We respect and honour the previous generations that have spun the yarns, woven the cloth and washed it in the soft waters of the Wauchope River that runs through Langholm, the home of Kynoch and Heritage Twist.
We enjoy creating qualities that never go out of style and that only become richer in character.
Sustainable cloth like old friends only gets better as Dolly and Kenny sing “there’s nothing like old friends…”
The language of the Heritage Twist weaving ticket is a bit like hieroglyphics. The ticket is the instruction to the weaver where every single thread needs to go in the cloth and there are thousands of threads! Every interlacing of the yarn from fine silk decorations to highlight twist yarns are placed quite specifically to show it off at it’s very best. Each thread has to be there for a reason, it adds its own unique value as a pop of colour in a beaded stripe, a bright pink extra that nestles into a soft grey/white/blue twist yarn. A shadow stripe or an accent on the clean cut of the herringbone. Unique and important in their own right. In the archive books there are handwritten pencil notes of the additional pence the type of decoration added to the cost of the cloth. Luckily, we do not continue this practise!
The way Heritage Cloth feels is unique, there is no other cloth like it. Smooth to the surface, lustre that dances as the light plays off the twist yarns, a supple drape, but the most distinctive body. When we are checking the finish of the cloth is correct you can feel this body and the cloth makes a “thwack!” sound. Whilst remaining supple and fluid in drape it is never floppy – Heritage Twist always has “Thwack!!”